What We Do

Sustainable marketing for purpose-driven organizations

Environmentally Friendly





What is storytelling brick wall

What are you hoping to achieve?

Improve communications with your teams

Whether you already have the tools in place for information to flow smoothly within your organization or not, engaging staff and keeping them abreast of what’s going on and what role they have to play is key.

We offer solutions that will help you assess the situation in an unbiased way, determine a way forward, and implement processes and tools that will be both relevant and useful.


Attract and retain talents

Building your employer brand and creating an environment where people can thrive and of which they want to be a part of doesn’t happen at a snap of a finger and takes real commitment.

But being inclusive, honest and transparent with your team is the first step, and eventually becomes a stepping stone for a strong culture that retains and attracts the right people.

We support our clients by facilitating and creating opportunities for conversations to take place and ideas to emerge and circulate, and by developing HR marketing tools that share an authentic and inspiring message.

Adopt a more transparent, inclusive and sustainable communication & marketing model

You have a vision of impact. It’s not just about how much you sell or how many donations you generate. It’s about leaving a legacy and helping society in your own way, through small actions.

Problem is, your marketing model doesn’t exactly fit. The methods that you use, the images that you show don’t tell the same story. We help you improve your current strategies and tools so that they are better aligned to your values and showcase the true champion that you are.

Raise awareness and inspire people to take action

You have an amazing event, cause, program or campaign you want everyone to know about. Well, you’re in luck because we have the expertise to develop strategies, campaigns, tools and content that will get you more members, more participants, more donors and more volunteers!

Build customer loyalty and retain clients

Having a big list of clients is not enough. What is more important is to build and maintain those relationships so that they’ll come back for more and become unofficial spokespersons who will do the word-of-mouth for you.

Explore new ideas and expand the horizons of your people

Whether you want to increase the expertise of your team with regards to communication or someone to guide your brainstorming sessions or to bounce off ideas, we love to share our thoughts and our advice and to play devil’s advocate.

Areas of Expertise

Internal Communications

Employer Brand

HR Marketing

Digital Sobriety

Digital Accessibility

User Experience

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Corporate Social Responsibility

Charitable Sector

Plain & Inclusive Language

Content Marketing


How We Support You

Although most of our services typically involve some form of audit, planning, and advising, and that we love to oversee a project from start to finish, we have the capacity to get involved at different stages of your project to adapt to your organizational needs and collaborate with your existing resources. 


1. Evaluation

Whether you wish to gain insight into the performance of a communication strategy, assess employee engagement or understand how information circulates within your organization, we use different tools to audit and evaluate the performance of your existing communication tools and tactics.


2. Stategic Planning

From internal and external communication strategies to campaigns to solutions that help you adapt your communication and marketing model to be more inclusive and sustainable, we help you plan strategically for the long term.


3. Advising & Facilitation

Whether you have staff requiring coaching, a brainstorming session needing facilitation, or a workshop calling for a speaker on a communication topic, we offer strategic advising, facilitation and training services targeting groups and individuals.


4. Implementation

We develop campaigns, tools and content that are aligned not only to your goals but to your brand personality. Writing copy, creating content and packaging it as newsletters, websites, social media posts, blogs, advertorials, and other communication and marketing formats is second nature to us.

Why choose us?

I’d strongly recommend The Storyteller as a first point of contact for your communications and digital marketing – they excel as a consultative voice. They’ll be able to give you a clear strategic roadmap and even take charge of it if that’s what you wish.

Testimonial Item

Nicholas Harrison

Synapcity Board Member

It’s not always easy to find the words to share our big ‘why’ and to tell our story but The Storyteller does it very well. I really enjoy their way of doing things and I’m very happy to be working with them. Thanks again!

Testimonial Item

Danou Charette

Danou Sustainable woodworker

Really amazing work, thank you so much! It’s impeccable, as usual, and it’s always a pleasure working with you.

Testimonial Item

Victoria Jaklin

Breakfast Club of Canada Corporate Communications

Get Started

Review our services

Think about your pain points, identify what you want to achieve and determine if our approach might be a good fit.

Book a call

Fill out our request form to discuss your project needs so we can arrange a call.

Accept our proposal

 Once we confirm that we are a good fit for each other, you will be sent a proposal. Sign it to accept the terms and conditions, and we’ll be on our way!