Case Study

Breakfast Club of Canada

Breakfast Club of Canada is a national organization whose main purpose is to ensure every child goes to school on a full stomach to be able to achieve its full potential.

Since 2019, The Storyteller has been contributing to Breakfast Club‘s online and offline communicational tools through a range of storytelling and strategic copywriting services, in French and in English.

Read on for our Breakfast Club Case Study.


Breakfast Club of Canada recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Initially serving schools and children in Quebec, it eventually expanded and is now present throughout Canada. Although it can count on its own dedicated communication department, the needs are colossal and BCC has called on The Storyteller’s expertise on several occasions, not only recognizing it excels at content writing but also understands the cultural intricacies of Canada and offers a bilingual service.


For our first collaboration, Breakfast Club of Canada wanted to humanize its ‘brand’ and allow people to get to know the executive team a little better. This led us to lead a thorough process where we interviewed the entire management team and put their individual stories into words.

Fun fact, we had an amazing encounter with Daniel Germain, founder of BCC, who took the time to share his vision and turned us into eternal fans of the organization. 

Since then, we’ve worked on many other projects relating to the annual report, the blog and the website, contributing not only our analytical, people and writing skills but also our passion for food security, our strategic minds and our penchant for user-friendly solutions.


Food security being a topic of interest of ours, creating content becomes that much more easier. The client doesn’t have to worry about getting the wording right and having to go through numerous rounds of revisions when the subject matter is mastered and the process is efficient.

The fact that we provide all of the copy in both French and English is also a relief for the organization, who doesn’t have to go through different service providers to get the job done.

All in all, our work for Breakfast Club allows the team to focus on its everyday tasks and removes the burden that can sometimes be placed on upper management that don’t have time to work on ‘fluffier’ things like their bios or an upcoming conference as interesting or relevant as it may be for a wider audience.

Our Two Cents

Working with an external resource makes sense, even when you have a team in-house to manage your marketing and communications. We provide value by offering unbiased external insight, specific expertise, and precious time for your teams to focus on what makes the most sense for them, whether the mandate is project-based or ongoing.

Really amazing work, thank you so much! It’s impeccable, as usual, and it’s always a pleasure working with you.

Victoria Jaklin

Corporate Communications & Public Relations, BCC

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