Customer Experience: The Marketing Tool You Should Never Neglect

Customer Experience: The Marketing Tool You Should Never Neglect

You go into a store. The lights are dim and it’s hard to see. You look around for someone to help you find what you need but no one is there. None of the sections are clearly marked and the space is cluttered. Will you brave the storm and complete your purchase or...
SEO – A 3-Letter Word To Improve Website Performance

SEO – A 3-Letter Word To Improve Website Performance

What the hell is S.E.O. you ask? Search. Engine. Optimization or SEO, a 3-letter word that improves website performance. It all comes down to how well your website ranks on search engines like Google without the use of paid tools. What the hell is S.E.O.? SEO is about...
The Newsletter: Friend or Foe?

The Newsletter: Friend or Foe?

Many small business owners have a love-hate relationship with their newsletter. On one end, they understand its value but on the other, they don’t like having to put in the work to make it happen. In any case, here are 7 good reasons why your newsletter should...
Amp Up Your Website ROI with Snazzy Content

Amp Up Your Website ROI with Snazzy Content

Many entrepreneurs struggle to come up with snazzy content to amp up their website ROI. They don’t know what message to communicate nor how to structure the information. Here are a few things to consider to create engaging quality content for website ROI. Content That...