Many entrepreneurs struggle to come up with snazzy content to amp up their website ROI. They don’t know what message to communicate nor how to structure the information.

Here are a few things to consider to create engaging quality content for website ROI.

Content That Is Fundamentally “You”

To get started, it’s important to think about your business’ identity.

What is your mission? What values do you stand for? Who is your target audience? WHAT DIFFERENCIATES YOUR BUSINESS FROM OTHERS’?

Think of your business as its own person. What are their characteristics? What do they particularly enjoy? It’s by describing its « personality » and by humanizing it that you will be able to present it in an inspiring way and better sell it.

If your brand is strong and consistent, it should be placed at the forefront of your visual concept and it should also influence your message and language. If it’s not the case, it’s essential to reflect on these questions before starting to develop your site and its content.

Your Story, Your Opportunity To Stand Out

Don’t underestimate the value of an “About” section (also called “Profile”, “Our Story”, or anything else).

Have you ever visited a website to learn more about a company and hit a wall?

There’s nothing more frustrating!

People want to know who they’re dealing with. Using storytelling increases your credibility, enhances people’s trust and acts as a differentiation tool.

Your story can be told through text but also through photography and video. Include images of the team, clients, the workplace as well as products and services (set amongst humans!).

Avoid stock images when possible, they are impersonal. Watch out though not to use bad quality imagery (frame, lighting, context, etc.). Remain professional, but please, stay away from clichés and project an authentic but dynamic image, full of personality.

Accessibility, Consistency And Relevance

Your message should make a statement but it needs to be clear. A misunderstood message will do no good. Make sure to use interesting and straight-to-the-point language.

Think of your ideal client and try to identify why they would visit your website.

What questions are they trying to answer? Are they wondering about the services that you offer? Your certifications? Your operating hours? Want to sign up for your newsletter?

Answer all of these questions.

Don’t jump from one topic to the other; divide the information in different sections. Do as you would in school and stick to one idea per paragraph. Ensure ideas flow well and use subheadings.

Don’t Overcrowd Your Site

If your main menu is so full its taking up the whole line, you probably have too many sections. Similarly, don’t make your pages too long. Each page should be airy, easy to read and not too “scrolly”.

Understanding that 21% of people now browse the Internet on a smart phone, test your website on different devices and see if you need to cut down on the content. Also, know that the eye doesn’t read web content the way it would print. Reading on a screen means a lot of content gets skipped and that only the main ideas get picked up.

Write short sentences and create new paragraphs often.

Incorporate “Call-To-Actions”

Even if your intention is promotional, your content should remain informative. Avoid exclamation marks and “salesy” formulas. Quality content benefits your overall ranking in search engines but the contrary is also true and you could be penalized.

You should always include “call-to-actions” to encourage visitors to act. Do you want them to add a product to their shopping cart? Write it! To book an appointment? Send them to the contact page.

The idea is not to harass people but to encourage them to stay on your website as long as possible so that they take action and improve your website ROI.

Need a bit of help with your website? Whether you want to evaluate the performance of existing content, translate it, integrate new copy, or actually develop your website from scratch, let’s meet, we have what you need!

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