Better speaking skills for better communicative leadership

Better speaking skills for better communicative leadership

Have you ever had a teacher who, despite their vast knowledge, struggled to keep the class interested and could never explain complex concepts in simple terms? Or have you worked with a manager who never prepared for meetings or seemed so busy that their attention was...
Storytelling: Five companies that lead by example

Storytelling: Five companies that lead by example

Can you identify organizations that use storytelling to share their essence and their identity?  There are more than you think! Some brands share profiles of their team members on their website, and others create articles and podcasts highlighting personalities who...
Storytelling For Social Media

Storytelling For Social Media

Beyond Instagram stories (that aren’t actual stories!), influencers and Facebook ads, social media is a great solution to share stories. First, it’s a great way to generate “organic” engagement (vs paid). In a day and age where we need to pay...
Why tell my story – what’s the point?!

Why tell my story – what’s the point?!

Every week, people ask me “what the hell is storytelling?! “. To which I usually reply that it’s the idea of showcasing the people behind their organization for promotional purposes. But what I realized is that what they are actually asking me is...
What is storytelling and why should you care?

What is storytelling and why should you care?

“We’re seeing this expansion of what non-fiction can be in storytelling, I think they’re more thrilling than a lot of fiction films.” These are not our words but the ones of Laura Poitras, an Oscar-winning American documentary film director and...